HENRY IV, Part one
directed by Joey Rizzolo

Conceived as a 4-person adaptation, this 70-minute cut of Henry IV examines how we perceive and accept gender roles. Three women assume all of the roles traditionally assigned to men, with the exception of the King. The result is a story in which a man experiences a world created for men turned upside-down by the women who populate it. Raucous masculinity, when occupied by contemporary women, quickly assumes a behavioral toxicity that is otherwise easily dismissed as being "what men do" or "of a time." This unique lens exposes how vulgar displays of power have become so pervasive that noxious perceptions of manhood have become synonymous with manhood itself.
Cast: Kat Dunn Watson (Falstaff, Worcester), Ezioma Asonye (Hotspur, Poins, Westmorland), Tori Ernst (Hal, Blunt), Christopher Costa (King Henry, Glendower, Bardolph, Quickly)
Musical Director: Avery Rizzolo
Fight Choreographer: Thomas Schall
Designer: Joey Rizzolo
Produced by NSD
Opened: May 3, 2018, NYC