The infinite wrench
The Infinite Wrench (formerly known as Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind) premiered in New York for an open run in 2004. Every Friday and Saturday the New York Neo-Futurists write, direct, and perform original, short-form, non-illusory plays. The result is a collage of diverse plays that are a fusion of sport, poetry, and living newspaper. With new plays every week, The Infinite Wrench is the Neo-Futurists’ ongoing and ever-changing attempt to shift the conventions of live performance and speak to audiences including those un-reached or unmoved by traditional theater.
Joey has been with the company since its inception, having written, directed, and performed in The Infinite Wrench for 12 uninterrupted years. The Infinite Wrench continues to run every Friday and Saturday in the East Village where the Neo-Futurists have, to-date, presented over 5000 original plays.
Produced by the New York Neo-Futurists
Opened: April 2, 2004, New York